Planning Consultancy

Guiding clients through the UK planning system

The UK Planning system is extremely complex

Whether you have done several projects in the past or this is your first time making a planning application in the UK, there is no doubting the fact that it can be a tricky system to navigate.

Our aim is to give you straight forward planning advice to help you through the system to help you achieve your dream. Whether that is an extension on your house, a new building on your farm, changing the use of an existing building or any number of other dreams that need to get through the system, we can be there to help you.

We have years of experience as a planning consultant working for individuals right through to nation corporations and from within planning authorities in the UK and we can work with you to help you get to where you want to be with the minimum amount of stress.

We can also help if there is a development proposal near you that you have concerns about and can provide assistance to ensure that these concerns are communicated to the local Council in a robust and effective manner.

It is very easy to get caught out by the complex nature of the planning rules in the UK. If you have received some communication from the Council in relation to Planning Enforcement then give us a call and we will be able to help you.

Being experienced and trusted in residential planning consultant work we are able to provide consultancy in Cornwall, Devon, Somerset and the South West. Residential planning can include projects such as those listed below:

New house builds

House extensions

Conversion of existing buildings, houses or apartments

Replacement of existing buildings

It doesn’t matter where your residential development might be as we are able to work across a wide range of diverse locations from town centres, urban areas, conservation areas, listed buildings, rural or prominent coastal locations. It is appreciated that each scheme is unique and this is how we always approach each project, being attentive to your requirements and meticulous in the preparation of any supporting plans and documents.

Each development project is centred on a clear understanding of the physical constraints and planning policy that affect your site and will be developed, with you, to accord with your requirements.

Having worked in the public, private and third sectors gives us a unique perspective on many varied developments and ultimately informs us how we might help you to achieve your development project requirements

Commercial planning consultant work can vary enormously and we have experience in dealing with a number of commercial developments. Commercial developments include, but are not limited to, uses such as:

Retail shops

Office uses

Farm diversification schemes

Each situation has its own unique business demands and site sensitivities that need to be understood and carefully considered to be able to make a development project successful. In most cases it is essential for us to fully understand the context that your project will sit within so that we can work positively with you and help inform any potential decision being made.

Being an experienced Planning Enforcement Conultancy, we are able to provide a full range of advice to help resolve the situation.

If you have received a consultation letter from the Council or noticed a Site Notice and want to make comments, we can help you formulate a robust and effective response to the consultation.

Having worked on thousands of planning projects we know what issues to highlight to give you comments the most impact.

Heritage Assets are an irreplacable resource that help us to understand our environment and how it has evolved over time.

Owning a heritage asset such as  Listed Building, Listed Park or Garden, Scheduled Nacicnet monument or living within a Conservation Area or World Heritage Site can add significant layers of complexity and so it is important to get the right advice from the outset.

We can proide you with all the necesarry advice and reports in order to ensure that you are fully informed and in the best position to secure approval.

Contact us


07825 718608

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